5 Easy Ways On How to clean your singing bowl

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The singing bowl is a popular instrument in the meditation world. Meditation can be very beneficial to your health and wellness. It has been shown that meditation decreases stress levels, improves emotional balance, increases cognitive function, strengthens immune systems, and more.


The one thing you need to do before you get started on this path is clean your singing bowl. In this blog post, we will show you how to clean your singing bowl properly so it’s ready for use when needed.

how to clean your singing bowl
how to clean your singing bowl and maintain its quality


How To Clean Your Singing Bowl Meditation Tool


Your singing bowl is a beautiful instrument for meditation. But, like any other musical instrument, it needs to be appropriately cleaned before you use it! Here are some steps on how to clean your singing bowl so that it’s ready when needed:


  • Step 1

Fill the sink with enough water and place the singing bowl in the bottom of the sink. The faucet should be running as well, or there will not be enough water pressure flowing through. It might take more than one person if they don’t have a way of turning off both handles at once, but most sinks can accommodate two people washing dishes without an issue. 


Be sure to keep anything from touching the top opening during this process because there will probably still be soap stuck inside while rinsing.

how to clean your singing bowl
How to clean your singing bowl


  • Step 2

Fill a separate bowl with half water and half white vinegar, then pour it over the top of the dishwashing sponge so that it’s wet on both sides before starting to scrub at any residue stuck inside. This will help remove anything left behind from substances like soap or detergent, leaving an acidic smell after being used for long periods.


  • Step 3

Rinse off the singing bowl by filling up another sink halfway with water (the faucet should be running). Submerge the whole thing into this mixture while keeping your hands near either edge if you need extra support but not touching anything because they’ll get dirty as well! Be sure to use enough force when pouring out water to ensure all remnants of soap or detergent have been removed.


  • Step 4

Fill up the same sink with fresh water and swish it around to remove anything left behind that may be stuck on edges, then pour this out. Rinse off your singing bowl one last time by filling up another sink halfway (freshwater) and submerging the whole thing again into this mixture while keeping hands near either edge if you need help but not touching anything because they’ll get dirty as well.


Be sure to use enough force when pouring out water to ensure all remnants of soap or detergent are gone. Take a dry towel from before and thoroughly wipe down any remaining wet spots, which will likely drip onto flooring after being placed back on the work surface due to gravity.


  • Step 5

One last thing to do is apply a small amount of olive oil or food-grade mineral oil, which will be used as a sealant to keep the singing bowl from absorbing anything that may come into contact with it. With this, you have successfully cleaned your singing bowl.

how to clean your singing bell
how to clean your singing bell

When Should You Clean Your Singing Bowl/Bell?


If you think your bowl is dirty, then it is a good idea to clean it. Likewise, if the sound becomes muffled or there are any streaks outside the bell, then cleaning should be done. But remember that this process can’t be rushed because rushing will cause irreversible damage. There are proper techniques on how to clean your singing bowl for it to sound better. If you’ve been meditating and want to use one, we hope to help you do it properly to ensure its longevity. 


How Often Should You Clean Your Singing Bell/Bowl?


The frequency in which you clean your singing bowl truly depends on how often you use it. If you own a shop and use the bell many times throughout the day, then cleaning should be done more often!


In truth, most people do not know when or how to care for their bowels properly, so no one sets the standard as far as this goes. However, they will typically say that if a person’s bowel has been gathering dust or appearing dirty, then it would be wise to give them a good scrubbing at least once every two weeks. 


This will help keep the surface of your instrument from becoming tarnished with grime build-up over time.


The following list contains some helpful tips about how to clean your singing bowl:


  • If possible, avoid using any cleaners that contain harsh chemicals when it first comes time to clean your instrument. Instead, try going for a natural cleaner!
  • Try cleaning your singing bowl with water and dish soap if you are running low on the more expensive natural ingredients. This can be done by pouring warm water onto the bell’s surface and then adding in one tablespoon or so of mild liquid soap before giving everything a good scrub down. Afterward, rinse off all remaining residue from under cold clear water until there are no suds left behind either.
  • Always keep an eye out for cracks as this will cause problems later on in life too!


These tips should help make sure that everyone’s bowl lasts for years to come and helps keep the atmosphere of meditation.


Installing some sheath around your instrument will not be in use for an extended period as this can help protect against things like dust, dirt, or other particles that may fall onto the surface regularly. If you are using silk cloth, cover both sides while wrapping, so no moisture is lost either.


Who needs a singing bowl for meditation?


People need a singing bowl for meditation because their sound is considered very soothing and helps with concentration. Therefore, meditation starts by playing a singing bowl and sitting in a lotus position or praying mantis before meditating. 


To be more specific, you sit on your legs and place the bottom of the bowl against your forehead or just next to it while chanting Om or any other mantra that you can think of. If you are looking into reiki meditation, this can also bring peace to yourself and others during practice sessions. 


It will also help put people at ease, so they don’t feel stressed about their problems anymore. Lastly, players will enjoy how relaxing it feels after listening to its sounds and help calm down in this way, so it is a win-win situation in the end.


With the benefits of this instrument, it’s crucial to learn how to clean your singing bowl to ensure its longevity. 


What kind of sound does a singing bowl make?


The sound that a singing bowl makes is very soothing and helps with concentration for meditation. This type of sound can help people become more relaxed and feel good after such activities as reiki practice sessions! It’s worth trying these bowls out if you haven’t yet done so too.



Final Words


Finally, always remember to treat these instruments with care because they work hard – don’t drop them and try not to bang the walls too vigorously when hanging up after playing either. We hope that this simple tutorial on how to clean your singing bowl has help you more than us. 


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